URL Redirect Checker

Check website redirection for your domain


The URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a key component in digital marketing and web development. It helps users find the correct content. However, URLs are often changed for various reasons such as website migrations, reorganizations, and content updates. It's important to use a redirect checker in order to maintain the integrity of SEO and ensure that users have a smooth experience. The article discusses the benefits of using a redirect checker and how to use it. It also covers the tools that are available.

What is an URL Redirect checker?

A redirect checker analyzes and verifies the paths taken by URLs. Redirecting a URL means the server automatically sends users from one URL into another. Redirects can be classified as permanent (301), temporary (302), or other types. It is important to understand these redirects, and ensure they are implemented correctly. This will help maintain SEO rankings as well as provide a good user experience.

Use of URL Redirect Checker is Important

Ensure SEO Integrity

Redirects that are incorrect or have broken links can affect your site's search engine optimization. The search engines might not transfer the link equity of the old URL over to the new, resulting in a decrease in ranking. A redirection checker ensures that your redirects have been set up correctly, protecting all of your SEO efforts.

Enhancing User Experience

Redirect loops and broken redirects frustrate users, resulting in a bad user experience. You can fix this problem by using a URL redirect checker. This will ensure that users get to their destination without any hassle.

Avoiding Redirect Chains

When a URL is redirected to another URL which in turn redirects back to the original URL and so forth, a redirect chain occurs. It can cause the page to load slower and may confuse search engine crawlers. A URL Redirect Checker can help identify and remove unnecessary redirect chains.

Monitoring Site Migrations

During migrations and redesigns of sites, URLs are often changed. URL Redirect Checker ensures that old URLs will be correctly redirected, and prevents 404 errors.

How to use a URL redirect checker

It is easy to use a redirection checker.

  1. Choose a Redirect Checker Tool: There are various tools available online, such as Screaming Frog, Ahrefs, and Redirect-checker.org.
  2. Enter URL : Type the URL into the search box.
  3. Results Analysis The tool displays the path of redirection, along with the status codes (301s, 302, etc.). The tool will display the redirect path, including status codes (301, 302, etc.).
  4. Correct Issues If you find any problems, like broken redirects, or chains of redirects, correct the problem.


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The Best Tools to Check URL Redirect



Screaming Frog SEO Spider

Screaming Frog offers many powerful features, including a URL redirection checker. You can crawl URLs and analyse the paths they take.

  • Features Identify redirect chains, errors, and loops; analyses status codes, integrates Google Analytics, Search Console.
  • Use Download Screaming Frog and enter the URL of your site to start a crawl. You will get a detailed report on any redirects.
  • link: Screaming Frog


Ahrefs, a popular SEO tool with a URL redirection checker is also available. This tool provides detailed information about your website’s redirects and SEO health.

  • Features Checks broken redirects and identifies chain redirections, analyses link equity transfers, generates comprehensive SEO reports.
  • Use Sign up with Ahrefs and use their Site Audit to review your redirect issues.
  • Link: Ahrefs


Check-URL-Redirects.org Is a user-friendly and simple online tool designed to check URL redirects.

  • Features checks HTTP status codes and redirection paths. Supports multiple URLs at once.
  • Use Enter the URL into the search box to get an instant result on whether the URL is redirecting.
  • Link: Redirect-checker.org


SEMrush provides a suite of comprehensive SEO tools including a URL Redirect Checker. This tool helps monitor any redirect problems that could affect the performance of your website.

  • Features Identifies and checks redirect loops and chains, as well as broken redirects. It also provides detailed SEO analyses.
  • Use: Check for redirect problems and gain actionable insight using the SEMrush site audit tool.
  • link SEMrush

Use of a URL redirect checker: Best Practices



Regular Monitoring

Check your URLs regularly for redirection issues, particularly after you have made significant updates to your site. It is important to identify and resolve any problems as soon as possible.

Reduce Redirect Chains

Reduce the number of redirects within a sequence. To avoid SEO problems and delays, link directly the old URL with the destination URL whenever you can.

The correct status codes

Use the right status code for redirects. Use 301 redirects for permanent changes and 302 redirects for temporary ones. Search engines can be misled by incorrect status codes, which will affect your ranking.

Link Updates

Update your internal links so that they point to the newly created URLs. It will help you avoid unwanted redirects, and it improves the user experience.

The conclusion of the article is:

A URL redirect checker can be a valuable tool for digital marketers, SEO experts, and webmasters. This tool ensures that the redirections on your site are implemented correctly, maintaining SEO integrity while improving user experience. You can improve the performance of your website by using a URL redirect checker regularly and adhering to best practices.

For further insights and tools to help with URL redirect checks, explore Screaming Frog, Ahrefs, Redirect-checker.org, and SEMrush.