Robots.txt Generator

Create custom robots.txt generator

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The path is relative to the root and must contain a trailing slash "/".

The file "robots.txt", which is used in search engine optimization, plays an important role when it comes to controlling and directing crawlers. The SEO performance of your website can be significantly improved by understanding what a "robots.txt" file is and how it works. The comprehensive guide delves into the complexities of a robots.txt, including its significance, the best ways to configure and create it, as well as the use of this file.

What is Robots.txt?

It is also called the Robots Exclusion Protocol. This simple text file resides at the root of the website. The robots.txt file's main function is to tell search engine crawlers, such as Google, Bing and Yahoo, how to index and crawl the pages of a website. The robots.txt helps you manage search engines' access to the content of your website by specifying what areas should be crawled and which should not.

What is the importance of robots.txt?

  1. Control over Crawling The robots.txt files gives webmasters the ability to control which areas of their site are visible by search engine spiders. It is especially useful to prevent the indexing duplicate content, sensitive information or sections that are under construction.
  2. Server load management By restricting the access to specific areas of your website, the robots.txt helps reduce server loads, and ensures that the most important pages are crawled, indexed, and stored efficiently.
  3. Optimization for SEO When configured correctly, the robots.txt can help improve the SEO of your website by redirecting crawlers away from the less important pages and towards the more valuable ones.

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How to create and configure a robots.txt file

It's easy to create a robots.txt. This is a guide that will take you through the steps:

  1. Create Text File Use Notepad, TextEdit or another simple text editor to create the file. Save it under "robots.txt".
  2. Add directives Write directives that control the behavior of crawlers. Two main directives:
    • User Agent: Indicates which crawler is affected by the rule (e.g. Googlebot, Bingbot).
    • Disallow Specifies directories and pages which should not crawled.


JavascriptUser-agent: * Disallow: /private/ Disallow: /tmp/ 

This example instructs crawlers to not access the private and temporary directories.

  1. Upload to Root Directory: Save the robots.txt file and upload it to the root directory of your website (e.g.,

Use robots.txt with best practices

  1. Target Specific Crawlers, if necessary. You might, for example, want to have different rules in place for Googlebot and Bingbot.
  2. Do Not Block Important Content Make sure that you do not block important content by accident.
  3. Review and Update: Regularly review and update the robots.txt to reflect changes on your site.
  4. Check Your File Use Google's Robots.txt tester to test your file for errors.

robot txt

Avoid these Common Mistakes

  1. Blocking all Crawlers A common error is to use Disallow / in User Agent: *. This blocks crawlers on the whole site.
  2. File placement incorrect The robots.txt must be located in the root directory. Otherwise, crawlers will not find it.
  3. Exposure to Sensitive Data Avoid listing sensitive directories within robots.txt as this can attract unwanted attention.

Find out more about the tools and resources that you can use

  1. Google Search Engine: This tool allows you to test your robots.txt file for errors and validate it.

    • Google Search Console
  2. Webmaster Tools offers a feature similar to that of Bing's for checking and validating the robots.txt.

  3. Yoast SEo Plugin For WordPress users the Yoast Seo plugin has a feature that allows you to test and edit the robots.txt.

  4. Generator of Robots.txt: This online tool can be used to generate robots.txt files based on the specifications you provide.

The Benefits of Robots.txt Generating

  1. Easy to Use A robots.txt creator simplifies the creation of a robots.txt, making it available even for those who have limited technical skills.
  2. Accuracy : This tool helps ensure the correct syntax and directives within your robots.txt, helping to avoid errors which could damage your SEO.
  3. Customization : With many robots.txt creators, you can customize the file in a variety of ways. You can specify different directives depending on what user agent is being used and adapt it to meet your website's needs.

How to use a robots.txt generator

It's easy to use a robots.txt creator. This is a guide that will take you through the steps:

  1. Choose a Generator Tool : Select a trustworthy robots.txt tool. SEOBook's and Small SEO Tools' options are popular.
  2. Define directives: Enter the directives that you wish to use for different user agents. You might, for example, want to restrict certain directories to crawlers and allow full access to other directories.
  3. Create the File Click on the Generate button to generate your robots.txt based upon the directives specified.
  4. Download and Review: Before downloading, carefully review the generated file.
  5. Upload to Your Server: Place the robots.txt file in the root directory of your website (e.g.,

Best Robots.txt generator Tools

These are the top robots.txt tools on the market:

  1. Robots.txt Generator offers an easy-to-use interface to create custom robots.txt.

  2. Small Search Engine Tools Robots.txt Generate A free tool which allows you to create your robots.txt files easily.

  3. Yoast SEO Plug-In For WordPress users the Yoast SEO plug-in includes a robots.txt generation as part of its suite of SEO Tools.

  4. Mister Toolbox's Robots.txt generator is another easy-to use tool which provides an intuitive way to edit and create your robots.txt files.

  5. Google Search Console is not an actual generator, but it does provide a test for the robots.txt to ensure that your file works correctly.

    • Google Search Console

Use of a Robots.txt generator: Best Practices

  1. Regular updates: Update your robots.txt regularly as your website evolves, to make sure it continues reflecting your crawling preferences.
  2. Testing Always check your robots.txt after you have generated it. This will help to identify any errors.
  3. Specific directives Use specific instructions for each user agent to customize the crawling to meet their needs.
  4. Do not block important content: Avoid blocking pages which are vital for SEO such as main product pages and blog posts.


robot txt generator

Avoid these Common Mistakes

  1. Blocking all Content: Use Disallow / in User Agent: * will block crawlers on your site. This can seriously damage SEO.
  2. The Robots.txt File Must Be in the Root Directory. Otherwise, Search Engines won't be able to find it.
  3. Protecting Sensitive Information Avoid including sensitive directories within robots.txt as this could attract unwanted attention by malicious bots.

The conclusion of the article is:

Robots.txt is a must-have tool for webmasters and SEO professionals who want to maximize their website's interaction with crawlers. These tools simplify the creation of robots.txt files and their management, which helps to ensure your site's crawling efficiency, increasing its visibility in search engine results.

Visit the sites below for more information and to find tools and resources related to SEO.

You can improve your rankings by integrating robots.txt into your SEO practice.